package com.yourprog; // well done guardianproject ! // import com.freiheit.gnupg.GnuPGContext; import com.freiheit.gnupg.GnuPGData; import com.freiheit.gnupg.GnuPGKey; public class steftest { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub GnuPGContext ctx = new GnuPGContext(); GnuPGKey[] recipient = new GnuPGKey[1]; //recipient[0] = ctx.getKeyByFingerprint("gpg-fingerprint of recipient (must be from your keyring)"); recipient[0] = ctx.getKeyByFingerprint("07D35F4ED9584F5AF1323B0E9D3C42C46CF19A40"); //Nulld1g1t //attention: fingerprint should not contain spaces... GnuPGData signature = ctx.createDataObject(); GnuPGKey signer = ctx.getKeyByFingerprint("5CF462CFA8882B1EC39E8ED3BE93B5FD3262C0DA"); //Stephane ctx.addSigner(signer); GnuPGData plain = ctx.createDataObject("I am a secret message."); GnuPGData cipher = ctx.createDataObject();//this will contain the cipher after encryption ctx.sign(plain, signature); ctx.encrypt(recipient, plain, cipher); //ctx.encryptAndSign(recipients, plain, cipher); System.out.println("Plain text: " + plain); System.out.println("Cipher text: " + cipher); GnuPGData plainstef = ctx.createDataObject(); ctx.decrypt(cipher, plainstef); System.out.println(plainstef); ctx.destroy(); } }